Call for Proposals
AKA Theme: Addressing Social Justice and Equity Imperatives: Exemplars of Inclusive Excellence
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM (PST) – 5:30pm (PST)
Call: The 2024 AKA Undergraduate Education Pre-Workshop will explore the following topic:
Strengthening the Undergraduate Experience in Kinesiology through Social Justice and Equity Exemplars
We are seeking interactive and engaging proposals which address topics including:
- Integrating social justice imperatives in undergraduate programs (e.g., curriculum, policies)
- Artificial intelligence and technology in undergraduate education (e.g., ChatGPT, learning management systems)
- Recruiting, retaining, advising/mentoring, and teaching Gen Z undergraduate students (e.g., effective pedagogy, promotional materials)
- High-impact practices for undergraduate students (e.g., experiential learning, student engagement, learning communities, research, etc.)
- Career readiness and the landscape of career opportunities for undergraduate students (e.g., capstone courses, senior seminars, internships)
- Supporting faculty and student mental health and wellness (e.g., campus resources, programming, curriculum)
The overall goal of the session is to share experiences and practices that will empower program directors and others to converse and explore next steps enhancing social justice and equity imperatives within their units and institutions.