2025 AKA Leadership Workshop Poster Session – Call for Proposals
AKA Theme: Faculty Success in Higher Education
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025
Time: 5:30 PM (PST) – 6:30pm (PST)
Call: We are seeking engaging poster proposals that address topics including:
- Faculty development (e.g., mentor programs, personnel processes, workload, annual reviews, communication, succession planning, models of practice, communities of learning)
- Faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., models, policies)
- Faculty hiring, recruitment, retention, and mentoring
- Faculty success as related to student development (e.g., teaching, learning, advising strategies)
- Faculty research success (e.g., initiatives, researcher development)
- Faculty success as related to support staff development and effectiveness
- Strategic planning for faculty and student success (e.g., unit, college, program assessment, external accreditation, outcomes from processes)
The overall goal of the poster session is to share models, promising practices, and strategies so that program directors and others will be empowered to engage in conversation and explore next steps addressing faculty success.
Guidelines: Proposals should be connected to the theme of the workshop and include:
- Title
- Name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address of author(s)
- Description of the poster presentation (up to 150 words).
Submission: Proposals are due by September 15, 2024 October 1, 2024 by 5 pm CT
If you have questions, please contact the program chair, Kim Graber kgraber@illinois.edu
Note: If accepted, the dimensions of your poster should be no larger than 44 x 44